Grains Sainsbury9, Sainsbury’s 6 servings


400 g Chick-peas; soaked overnight
; (13oz)
1 1/4 l Water; (2 pints)
25 G; (1-2oz) dried, (25 to 50)
; porcini (cep)
; mushrooms, soaked
; for 10 minutes in
; tepid water, then
; drained
6 tb Passata or sieved canned tomatoes
200 g Fresh spinach; (7oz)
2 tb Olive oil
A large pinch of coarsely ground black
; pepper
1 432 gram can borlotti beans; drained (15oz)
5 Pancetta or streaky bacon rashers
; de-rinded and chopped finely
1 Onion; chopped
2 Garlic cloves; chopped
1 Celery stick; chopped
1 lg Carrot; chopped finely
6 lg Thick slices coarse bread; such as ciabatta,
; lightly toasted, to
; serve


Drain the chick-peas, rinse and put in a large saucepan. Add the
water and bring to the boil. Cook slowly for about 3 hours. Halfway
through the cooking time, add the mushrooms and passata to the beans.
Blanch the spinach leaves in boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain,
cool slightly and squeeze dry with your hands. Chop the spinach
coarsely and stir into the soup, with the oil and black pepper. Add
the borlotti beans to the soup. Simmer slowly for a further 30
minutes. Fry the pancetta or bacon, onion, garlic, celery and carrot
in the fat from the meat for a few minutes until softened and add to
the soup.
Season the soup with salt, then remove from the heat. Arrange the
bread in the bottom of a large, wide, warmed serving bowl, pour over
the soup and serve at once.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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