Eggs, Dairy St. Louis Post2 6 servings


1 lg Eggplant
2 Eggs
1/4 c Cold water
2 c Seasoned Italian bread crumbs
(Kellermann uses Mary's brand bread crumb)
Pure Italian olive oil
Grated Parmesan cheese or tomato sauce


Peel eggplant; slice 1/4-inch thick. Soak in cold water with about 1
tablespoon of salt for 15 minutes. Beat eggs with 1/4 cup cold water. Drain
eggplant slices a few at a time. Dip into egg, then into bread crumbs. Fry
in olive oil until golden brown on both sides, turning once. Sprinkle with
Parmesan cheese or serve with a little tomato sauce on top. Yield: About 6
Recipe Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch - 01-04-1999 Recipe from Mary
Viviano Kellermann of the Union Italian Market in Union
Formatted for MasterCook by Susan Wolfe - vwmv81a@prodigy.com
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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