Bawarch2 1 servings


1 c Yello moong dal
1 pn Sodabicarb
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fry


Wash dal and soak overnight in plenty of water with soda.
Drain and spread on a thick clean towel to absorb excess water.
Heat oil well in a frying pan. Add some dal, and fry till whitish almost
Drain, and put on kitchen paper to soak excess oil.
Repeat for remaining dal. Take in a large plate.
Add salt and mix till well coated.
Cool completely before storing in an airtight jar.
Making time: 30 minutes (excluding soaking time)
Makes: 2- 2 1/2 cups dal
Shelflife: 2 weeks
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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