Curtis aike, Flash2 1 servings


2 tb Unsalted butter
2 Granny smith apples
2 McIntosh apples
1 c Raspberries
4 tb Currant jelly
2 tb Blackberry brandy
Vanilla yogurt


Heat oven to 425 cut large squares of foil & grease with butter. Peel,
halve & core apples. Cut into thick slices. Arrange apple slices on four
squares of foil. Divide raspberries among all four. Spoon currant jelly
over all. Drizzle with kirsch. Wrap fruit up with foil forming pouches
sealing them well. Bake about 10 minutes. Serve with dollops of yogurt
Approximately 6-8 minutes.
Per serving (excluding unknown items): 648 Calories; 25g Fat (35% calories
from fat); 2g Protein; 105g Carbohydrate; 66mg Cholesterol; 36mg Sodium
By Patty <designwest@ameritech.net> on Nov 9, 1998.
Recipe by: FOOD IN A FLASH  SHOW #FF2040
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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