Eggs Consuming, Passions 6 servings


250 ml Dessert wine; (preferably a
; botrytis affected
; Riesling or
; semillon)
250 ml Water
125 g Fine semolina
2 lg Egg yolks
2 lg Egg whites
2 tb Caster sugar
100 g Raspberries; (fresh or frozen) or
; other berries of
; choice
1 tb Icing sugar


Into a heavy bottomed pan put water and wine. Bring to the boil, reduce
heat and sprinkle in semolina a little at a time stirring constantly.
Allow to simmer over low heat for 10 minutes stirring occasionally.
It should be a smooth mixture. If it dries out add a little more water. It
doesn't matter if there are a few small lumps.)
Beat egg yolks with caster sugar until sugar has dissolved and the mixture
is smooth.
Beat egg whites until peaks form.
Make sure mixing bowl is clean as is the whisk. A half teaspoon of cream of
tartar may be added to assist the process.
Remove semolina to a mixing bowl.
Stir in egg yolk mixture.
Fold in beaten egg whites. Make sure they're not wildly mixed in. Mixture
must remain aerated.
Put dollops of the mixture into greased ramekins (or cups) cover lightly
with plastic wrap and steam for 20 minutes.
For berry sauce:
Strain berries through fine strainer. Stir in sugar. Strain again.
If the berries taste too sweet add a little lemon juice.
Allow flamri to cool a little before upturning onto serving plate.
Serve warm or cold with fruits of choice and the raspberry sauce.
Leftover potential: Keeps for two or three days in refrigerator.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Per serving: 103 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (27% calories from fat); 2g
Protein; 8g Carbohydrate; 71mg Cholesterol; 26mg Sodium Food Exchanges: 0
Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 0 Fat; 0 Other
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0n.

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