Eggs Jude1 1 servings


1 1/2 c Lukewarm water
3 tb Good olive oil
1 ts Salt
4 c High grade flower
2 ts Sugar
4 ts Surebake yeast
Red Peppers


Place all the ingredients into a bread making machine in the order listed
and turn it onto the dough cycle.
When the dough is ready, place it into a lightly greased square cake tin or
sponge roll tin and leave in a warm draft free spot to double in size.
Brush the top over with a generous amount of olive oil and with two fingers
press indents into the dough at regular intervals.
Bake at 200 C for 30 mins, remove from tin and cool.
Grilled Vegetables:
Slice eggplant thickly lengthwise and sprinkle with salt, place in a
colander and leave for half an hour then rinse and pat dry.
Quarter the red peppers and remove the seeds.
Pre-heat the sandwich grill and brush the vegetables with olive oil and
place onto grill and close. Cook for until the vegetables are just cooked.
Remove them and keep warm.
Toast the foccacia on the sandwich grill and layer up your sandwich with
fresh rocket or
baby salad leaves, grilled vegetables and top with good quality, whole egg
mayonnaise flavoured with fresh basil and garlic. Shave on some parmesan
Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

A Message from our Provider:

“Conviction is not repentance; conviction leads to repentance. But you can be convicted without repentance. #Martyn Lloyd-Jones”

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