Grains, Meats Chinese Chinese3 1 servings


1 cn Pineapple rings in juice or slice fresh
4 tb Peanut oil
1 lb Ground pork
1/2 c Roasted peanuts; chopped
4 tb Onions; finely chop
1 tb Salt
1 ts Black pepper
1/4 c Sugar
1 Red chili peppers; shredded
Chopped mint leaves or coriander leaves; garnish


Thai food is usually very hot so you might want to tune this down by using
less chili pepper. Heat the peanut oil, saute the onion for
one minute and add the pork, salt , sugar and pepper. Cook over medium
heat, stirring frequently, for 10-15 minutes and add the peanuts. Spoon a
layer of the mixture on top of each pineapple slice. Garnish with chili and
mint leaves or chopped coriander leaves. The pineapple slices can be cut
into smaller cubes and the coated pieces then served as an hors d'oeuvre.
"Joys and Subtleties-South East Asian Cooking" by Rosemay Brissenden.
Published by Pantheon Books 1970 & 1971.
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