You are currently viewing THE DAY OF PENTECOST

(Acts 2) 

BY way of introduction, we will consider a few facts 
of prophetic nature: 

1. The word of the Lord was to go forth from Jeru- 
salem (Isa. 2:3). 

2. In the last days of the Jewish economy, He would 
pour out of His Spirit upon all -flesh (Jew and Gentile) 
(Joel 2:28, 29). 

3. Jesus delegated unto Peter the authority to open 
the door of the church and state the terms of pardon 
under the new covenant (Matt. 16:18, 19). 

4. In a conversation with His apostles after the res- 
urrection, He promised to baptize the apostles in the 
Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5). 

5. They were to tarry in Jerusalem until this power 
came upon them (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4). 

6. The new message of salvation through Christ was 
to be preached first at Jerusalem (Luke 24:45-49). 

We find all of this fulfilled in the second chapter of 
Acts. The occasion was the day of Pentecost. The 
apostles were waiting in J erusalem. They were baptized 
in the Holy Spirit. Filled with this power, Peter 
preached the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, 
as facts, for the first time in the history of the world. 
These facts constitute the gospel (1 Cor. 15:3, 4). 
Peter also stated the terms of pardon (Acts 2:38). 
Three thousand heard and believed the message, re- 
pented, and were baptized. Thus the church was estab- 

Pentecost was the day of beginnings. 

1. The beginning of the preaching of the gospel. 
Peter preached the death, burial and resurrection of 
Christ. These facts could not have been preached until 
they had occurred. Hence this was the first time the 
gospel was preached in fact. 

2. The beginning of the rule of the Spirit. The 
patriarchal dispensation was the age of the Father. 
The Jewish, the age of the Son. The Christian, the 
age of the Spirit. He came on Pentecost to abide with 
us forever (John 14:16). He was the Author of the 
Word (2 Tim. 3: 16). He abides with us to-day in the 
Word. What is done by the Word is done by the 
Spirit, and vice versa. The Spirit and the Word agree 
in all things. A man who has not obeyed the Word 
has not obeyed the Spirit. 

3. The beginning of salvation through Christ. For 
the first time sinners asked what they must do, were 
told what to do to be saved, and did what they were 
told to do (Acts 2:37-47). 

4. The beginning of the Christian era. The old 
institution was completed with the death of Christ 
(Matt. 5: 17, 18; Col. 2: 14). However, it did not pass 
away until the establishment of the new on the day of 
Pentecost. When a law is passed, to go into effect the 
first of July, the old law stays in force until that time. 
God never left His people without a law. 

5. The beginning of the church of Jesus Christ. It 
was one body (Bph. 4:4). It was the body of Christ 
(Eph. 1:22, 23). Jesus Christ was the creed (Acts 8: 
37; 16:31). The rule of faith and practice was the 
apostles' doctrine (Acts 2:42). The Head was Jesus 
Christ; His will, the absolute law (Eph. 5: 23). 

The mission of this body, or this church, is to evan- 
gelize the world. No sectarian institution can meet this 
demand. We must restore the original institution as it 
existed on Pentecost, and was set up by the Spirit of 
the living God.