Dairy, Fruits Ideal, Home, Cooks 4 servings


180 g Caster sugar
150 ml Water
4 lg Thin-skinned oranges
10 ml Cointreau or Grand Marnier
Whipped cream
Red berry fruit
Mint sprigs


In a small heavy pan, gently dissolve the sugar in half the water. Stir if
necessary. Turn up the heat and bubble the syrup until it turns to caramel
(no more than 190C). Brush the sides of the pan with water to prevent
crystals forming as it boils and do not stir once the sugar has dissolved.
Pour a little caramel on to a lightly oiled tray or non-stick baking paper,
to use later as a decoration. Cover your hand with a cloth and pour the
remaining water into the hot caramel. Leave to cool and add the liqueur.
Pare the zest from one orange, cut into needle-like shreds and blanch for
2-3 minutes. Drain. Remove the peel and pith from the oranges. Slice almost
through into rounds, and pierce with a cocktail stick to hold the shape, or
remove as segments from the membrane.
Serve the oranges on a plate flooded with the caramel sauce. Decorate with
your choice of cream, berries, mint, cracked set caramel or shreds of zest.
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Carlton Food Network http://www.cfn.co.uk/
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