MATT. i. 21. “Thou shalt
call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their

ALMOST every historic person in the Bible bears an ap-
propriate name; thus the name came to be identified with
the person. In this text the name Jesus is declared to be
descriptive of the person and the work of Christ.
I. Let me call your attention to the Saviour. Jesus sig-
nifies, Jehovah that saves. So Jesus is Divine : He saves
His people from their sins. Not the word, not the ordin-
ances, but Jesus Himself.
II. Look at the salvation.
1. Jesus saves from sin by bestowing forgiveness—full
forgiveness, free, immediate, and irreversible.
2. Jesus saves His people from the pollution of sin; not
in their sins, but from their sins. It is true that holiness is
progressive, but the Christian cannot and does not love sin.
Nor can he live in sin as the choice and habit of his life.
This salvation shall be completed in heaven.
III. Let us look at the saved. “He shall save His
people.” Who are His people? They must have been at
one time in their sins. Therefore no one need despair.
“But does not the phrase speak of election? and how do
I know that I am elected?” Your business is not with
election but with your calling, and you may make your
calling sure by believing. Whosoever believeth in Him
shall not perish. “Whosoever ! “Every one feels that
includes him. “Whosoever believeth;” does that include
W. M. Taylor, D.D.