1 COR. vi. 19,20.
“Ye are not your own, for ye are bought with a price: there-
fore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are

How strangely sounds this sentence in the ears of human
pride! With what infinite wonder does it fill the natural
I. We notice first the great fact asserted in the text,
that we are purchased, and the position into which we are
brought because of that purchase. We are redeemed by the
precious blood of Christ, and therefore we are not our own.
II. What is the course of conduct which a consideration
of such position is calculated to induce us to pursue?
1. Let your devotedness to God be entire; glorify God
in your bodies, in your intellect, in all your powers.
2. Let your devotedness be benevolent. Spend your-
selves in energetic endeavours for the conversion of your
fellows, and for the spread of the Gospel among you. There
is an influence for good as well as an influence for evil.
3. Let your devotedness to God be consummated now—
now, when the conflict between sense and faith, between
the ceremonial and the spiritual, between the idolatrous
and the ever-living, has commenced, and a thousand voices
of the universe are pealing out the challenge: “Who is on
the Lord’s side?”
W. Morley Punshon, D.D.