Dairy 1 servings


1 Whole wheat pie crust; prebaked for 5-10 minutes
1/2 c Soy milk
1/2 lb Reduced fat firm tofu
1 Leek; sliced
Cooking spray
1 Stalk broccoli; chopped
1 1/2 ts Dijon mustard
1 Clove garlic; minced
1 ts Dill; up to 2
1 ts White or black pepper


Lightly spray a skillet with the cooking spray and saute leeks and garlic
until soft. Spread mustard over the bottom of the pie crust and add leeks
and garlic. Puree tofu, soy milk, broccoli and spices in the blender and
pour into the crust.
Bake at 375F for 30-35 minutes. Will firm up when cool.
Posted to fatfree digest by JBennicoff@aol.com on Jan 21, 1999, converted
by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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