PHIL. iii. 19.
” Who mind earthly things.”

I. WHAT Paul does not mean.
1. He does not hold out the slightest encouragement to
neglecting plain obvious duties of daily life.
2. He does not cast the slightest discredit on the full
development of those natural feelings which God has given
to us as a part of our heritage.
3. He does not mean that so long as we are living on
earth we can obtain an immunity from temptation.
II. What does the apostle mean? The question is very
easily answered if we are honest. He describes that state
in which a person resolves to live for this visible world, and
not for the invisible kingdom by which he is surrounded.
The great principle which unites the glorious company of
martyrs, saints, and confessors is this: they walk by faith
and not by sight.
G. H. W.