REV. xiv. 6. “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell
on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue,
and people.”

I. THE Gospel is the unchanging, the unfailing, and the
only remedy for the wants and the woes of man. Philo-
sophy and civilization have failed. The Gospel has been
tried and succeeded.
II. It is the business of the Church to preach this
Gospel. God’s plan is not to do things most rapidly, but
to do them in the best way. Our labours are not a terrible
burden. We should feel about them as Paul does when he
says, “Unto me is this grace given.” Nothing will ever
supersede the institution of preaching, and if the world is
to be stirred to the core of its heart, it must be by living
III. It is the individual duty of every member of the
Church to take what part he is able in this great work.
Do not be cheated; you cannot get out of individuality by
merging yourself in a corporation! Can you bear that the
loved name of Jesus should be unknown, unhonoured, and
unsung by the millions of the world? Do you not remem-
ber the commandment, “Love thy neighbour as thyself”?
Do you forget what others have done and suffered?
S. C.