Beverages, Canning 1 Guide



Quality: Good quality apple juice is made from a blend of varieties.
For best results, buy fresh juice from a local cider maker within 24
hours after it has been pressed.  Procedure: Refrigerate juice for 24
to 48 hours. Without mixing,  carefully pour off clear liquid and
discard sediment. Strain clear  liquid through a paper coffee filter or
double layers of damp  cheesecloth.  Heat quickly, stirring
occasionally, until juice begins to boil. Fill  immediately into
sterile pint or quart jars or fill into clean  half-gallon jars,
leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Adjust lids and process.  Table 1.
Recommended process time for Apple Juice in a boiling-water  canner.
Style of Pack: Hot.  Jar Size: Pints or Quarts. Process Time at
Altitudes of 0 - 1,000 ft: 5 min. Process Time at Altitudes of 1,001  ~
6,000 ft: 10 min. Process Time at Altitudes of Above 6,000 ft: 15  min.
Style of Pack: Hot.  Jar Size: Half-Gallons. Process Time at  Altitudes
of 0 ~ 1,000 ft: 10 min. Process Time at Altitudes of 1,001  ~ 6,000
ft: 15 min. Process Time at Altitudes of Above 6,000 ft: 20  min.
======================================================= ===== * USDA
Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539 (rev. 1994) * Meal-Master
format courtesy of Karen Mintzias  From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster
collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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