Dairy Pie 8 Servings


3 1/2 c Apples, tart thinly sliced
3/4 c Sugar
2 T Flour, all-purpose
1/2 t Salt
3 1/2 oz Coconut, flaked
1 t Vanilla extract
2 T Margarine
1 c Margarine, softened
6 oz Cream cheese, softened
2 c Flour, all-purpose
1 ds Salt


Line a 10" piepan with half the pastry rolled 1/8" thick.  Arrange
apples in unbakes pie shell.  Combine sugar, flour, and salt;  sprinkle
over apples, mixing well.  Cover with coconut, sprinkle  vanilla over
top, and dot with margarine.  Roll out remaining pastry, and place over
filling; seal and flute  edges. Cut slits in top to allow steam to
escape.  Bake at 400  degrees for 10 minutes; reduce heat to 300
degrees and bake an  additional 35 to 40 minutes.  Cream Cheese Pastry:
Combine margarine and cream cheese; mix well.  Cut in flour and salt
iwht pastry blender. Shape dough into a ball;  chill. Yield: enough
pastry for double crust 10" pie.  SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine,
March 1974. Typos by Nancy Coleman.  Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 18:41:13
-0500  From: pickell@cyberspc.mb.ca (S.Pickell)  MM-Recipes Digest V3
#157  From the MealMaster recipe list.  Downloaded from Glen's MM
Recipe  Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

A Message from our Provider:

“People disappoint. God doesn’t.”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 552
Calories From Fat: 322
Total Fat: 36.6g
Cholesterol: 23.4mg
Sodium: 585.3mg
Potassium: 124.2mg
Carbohydrates: 51.7g
Fiber: 2.1g
Sugar: 24.1g
Protein: 5.4g

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