Grains, Vegetables, Meats Mexican Rice 4 Servings


2 c Unpolished long-grain rice
1/2 c Chicken fat or vegetable oil
1/2 c Casera sauce
4 c Homemade chicken stock
Salt & freshly ground black


Wash & rinse rice in several changes of water to remove excess starch.
Spread on cookie sheet to dry. Saute rice in fat in large cast-iron
frying pan until grains are uniformly light brown. Reduce heat to  very
low & stir in remaining ingredients. Press a sheet of tin foil  over
the rice & cover w/ heavy lid. Cook over low heat for 20 min. Do  not
uncover the pan or stir. Make sure the pan is correctly centered  over
the flame. When the rice is cooked, fluff w/ a fork & correct  the
seasoning before serving.  CASA ROMERO  GLOUCESTER ST.; BOSTON
BEV:CARTA BLANCA OR DOS EQUIS  From the <Micro Cookbook Collection of
Mexican Recipes>.  Downloaded  from Glen's MM Recipe Archive,

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Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 114
Calories From Fat: 4
Total Fat: <1g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 203.9mg
Potassium: 308mg
Carbohydrates: 20.5g
Fiber: 7.5g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 7.6g

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