Grains, Dairy, Vegetables Tuscan *new-acq, Artichokes, Mcrecipe, Tuscan 4 Servings


8 Artichokes
1 Lemon, halved
2 T Extra virgin olive oil
1 Onion, minced
1 lb Spniach, washed and drained
1/2 c Shelled walnuts, finely
1/4 c Heavy cream, *see note
Salt and pepper
4 T Vegetable broth
OR dark beer


Peel artichokes*: break off each leaf at the base (bend the leaf back
on itself until it snaps, then pull it off towards the base). When
most of the outer leaves have been peeled off and the remaining  leaves
no longer snap, cut off the rest of the cone and rub the cut  portions
with the lemon to prevent discoloration. Using a sharp  paring knife,
trim off all bits of green to expose the more tender  white part of the
artichoke bottom. Rub with the lemon. Place the  artichoke bottoms in a
saucepan with the lemon juice and enough water  to cover. Simmer,
covered, for 30-45 minutes or until the artichoke  bottoms are tender
when pierced wlth a knife. Cool in liquid and  reserve. Heat the oil in
a skillet over low heat. Saute tht onion  until lightly browned. Add
the spinach and cook, stirring constantly,  until wilted. Place the
spinach, walnuts, and cream in a food  processor and puree. Season with
salt and pepper. Remove the  artichoke bottoms from their liquid. Rinse
under cold water and  remove the choke with a spoon. When finished, you
should have 2  perfectly rounded, hollowed-out cups per serving.
Preheat the oven to  350 degrees. Fill the artichoke bottoms with
spinach cream. Place in  a glass baking dish large enough to hold all
the bottoms in one  layer. Drizzle with the broth or beer, cover with
aluminum foil, and  bake for 25 minutes, basting occasionally. Just
before serving, douse  with the remaining liquid from the bottom of the
pan.  SERVES 4 in 2 hrs of moderately difficult preparation. Serve as
an  appetizer; or serve with a pasta entree: spaghetti with oil and
garlic  sauce and lemon; as part of a buffet.  MAKE AHEAD: The
artichoke bottoms will keeps refrigerated in their  cooking liquid for
1 to 2 days.  *TIP: Using this method instead of cutting off the leaves
with a  knife will result in a meatier artichoke bottom.  *LOWFAT
CREAMS (thin as needed): lowfat or nonfat sour cream; sour  cream
substitutes; soy cream; lowfat or nonfat yogurt; ricotta;  pureed
lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese with skim milk; "creamed"  tofu; nonfat
cream (new product 1997).  >"Il Fondo dei di Carciofi Ripiene di
Spinaci," from SOLO VERDURA, by  Anne Bianchi (Ecco, 1997). >Edited by
Pat Hanneman 3/98  Puree of spinach, walnuts, and cream as a filling
for prepared  bottoms and cooked until the flavors blend. The leaves
may be used to  flavor a soup or a marinara sauce. Or puree the tender
parts of the  leaves and use them instead of the spinach in this
recipe.  Recipe by: SOLO VERDURA, by Anne Bianchi  Posted to MC-Recipe
Digest by KitPATh <phannema@wizard.ucr.edu> on  Mar 21, 1998

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Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 228
Calories From Fat: 135
Total Fat: 15.8g
Cholesterol: 20.5mg
Sodium: 289.5mg
Potassium: 345.3mg
Carbohydrates: 13.5g
Fiber: 3.7g
Sugar: 2.2g
Protein: 5.9g

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