Meats, Eggs Chinese Poultry 4 Servings


Sweet-and-pungent sauce
1 Chicken breast
1 Egg
2 t Soy sauce
1/2 t Salt
Oil for deep-frying


Prepare a sweet-and-pungent sauce (see recipes for "Sweet-and-Pungent"
sauces). Skin and bone chicken; cut in 1-inch cubes. Beat egg  lightly;
stir in soy sauce and salt. Dip chicken cubes in nixture;  then dredge
in cornstarch to coat lightly. Heat oil. Add chicken, a  few cubes at a
time, and deep-fry until golden. Drain on paper  toweling. Reheat
sweet-and-pungent sauce. Gently stir in chicken  cubes only to reheat.
Serve at once. VARIATIONS: In step 3, sprinkle  chicken cubes with the
soy sauce and let stand 10 to 15 minutes. Then  beat the egg and blend
in the salt and 3 tablespoons flour (omit  cornstarch) to make a
batter. Dip each cube in batter to coat and  deep-fry as above. Use
half a chicken. With a cleaver chop it, bones  and all, in 1-inch
sections. In step 3, coat with a mixture of 5  tablespoons cornstarch,
2 tablespoons sherry and 1 teaspoon salt;  then deep-fry.  From <The
Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook>, ISBN 0-517-65870-4.  Downloaded from
Glen's MM Recipe Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

A Message from our Provider:

“What gives us conviction of sin is not the number of sins we have committed; it is the sight of the holiness of God. #Martyn Lloyd-Jones”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 192
Calories From Fat: 39
Total Fat: 4.3g
Cholesterol: 119.6mg
Sodium: 461.1mg
Potassium: 242.5mg
Carbohydrates: 7.6g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: <1g
Protein: 28.4g

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