Fruits, Dairy Desserts, Fruit 4 Servings


1 Mango
1 t Grated ginger root
1/4 c Dark or light rum
2 T Heavy cream
4 t Sugar
1 T Orange juice
1 pn Salt
2 c Pineapple, cut bite size
2 Bananas, cut bite size
2 Orange, in segments
2 Kiwi fruit, sliced thin
Mint sprigs


Cut mango away from peel and pit; place in blender or food processor
with ginger. Puree until smooth. Strain puree through sieve into
medium bowl. Stir in rum, cream, sugar, orange juice and salt. Ar
range fruit on 4 dessert plates or in bowls. Drizzle sauce over  fruit.
Garnish with mint sprigs and raspberries, if desired.  Recipe by: Rums
of Puerto Rico Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #579 by  "Master Harper
Gaellon" <gaellon@inch.com> on Apr 19, 1997

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