Dairy Waitrose1 4 Servings


450 g Fresh strawberries, hulled
85 g Castor sugar, 3oz
15 Rum or juice of 1/2 lemon
150 Double cream, 5fl oz
5 Vanilla essence, 1tsp
30 Full-cream organic milk
Sliced strawberries to


Liquidise the strawberries with 55g (2oz) caster sugar and the rum or
lemon juice and chill thoroughly.  To make the Chantilly cream, whisk
the double cream until it begins to  thicken. Beat in the remaining
sugar and the vanilla essence. Add the  milk a little at a time until
the cream falls into soft folds. Return  to the fridge to chill for 30
minutes.  Pour a layer of strawberry pure in the bottom of four
individual  glasses followed by a layer of Chantilly cream. Add a
little more  strawberry pure and top with the remaining cream. Decorate
with  sliced strawberries, chill for a further 30 minutes and serve
with  Waitrose Shortbread Fingers.  Converted by MC_Buster.  NOTES :
The delicacy of strawberries and the lightness of Chantilly  Cream go
well together. Rum is a particularly good addition to fruit  and
enhances the strawberry flavour, but you can use lemon juice  instead
if you prefer.  Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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