Grains, Eggs, Vegetables Sainsbury2 4 Servings


2 Globe artichokes, up to 3
1/2 Cauliflower, broken into
1 Green pepper, de-seeded
3 Courgettes
1 Bulb fennel
2 Firm extra large tomatoes
1 Aubergine
1 Cooking apple
4 Courgette flowers, up to 6
8 Sage leaves, up to 12
300 g Plain or wholemeal flour
about 10oz
3 Eggs, up to 4
Vegetable oil for
Salt and pepper


Prepare the artichokes. Blanch the cauliflower florets in boiling
water for 1-2 minutes, then refresh in cold water and drain. Cut the
pepper, courgettes, fennel, tomatoes and aubergine lengthways into
fairly thick slices. Peel the apple if wished, remove the core and
slice into rings. Rinse all the vegetables (including the courgette
flowers, if using), the apple rings and sage leaves in cold water,
drain quickly, then coat in the flour. Put the eggs in a bowl, season
with plenty of salt and pepper and beat well. Heat the oil in a
deep-fat frier or large saucepan to a temperature of 140øC/275øF.  It
should be deep enough for the pieces to float and hot enough for  them
to sizzle immediately. Dip each piece of food in the beaten egg,  then
drop it straight into the hot oil. (Cook the firmer vegetables,  such
as fennel and artichokes, first as they will take the longest,  the
sage leaves and courgette flowers last). Remove each batch of  food
from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain it on kitchen paper.
Transfer to a warmed serving plate and keep warm while cooking the
remaining vegetables. Serve as soon as all the food has been fried.
Converted by MC_Buster.  NOTES : This method of cooking is very popular
in Italy, particularly  in Piedmont, where all types of food may be
dipped in batter, fried  and served side by side on the same plate.
Don''t worry if some of  the ingredients are unavailable; choose from
the list below or add  some of your own favourites. Courgette flowers
are a lovely addition  if you can find them.  Converted by MM_Buster

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