Grains, Fruits, Dairy, Eggs Sainsbury2 4 Servings


1 Orange-fleshed melon
weighing about 400g
* 2 peaches or nectarines
20 0 g, 7oz strawberries
or small seedless
12 g Apricots, cherries or plums
1 Kiwifruit or 100g, 31/2oz
175 Fruit juice e.g apricot
peach or apple
2 T White wine
150 Milk, 1/4pint
2 Egg yolks
50 g Caster sugar, 2oz
1/4 t Vanilla flavouring
1 T Double cream or mascarpone


Prepare the fruit as necessary and cut it into small chunks, leaving
small fruit, such as raspberries and grapes, whole. Pour over the
fruit juice and wine, cover and chill until required. To make the
zabaione, put all the ingredients in a heavy-based saucepan and whisk
well. Stir over a low heat for about a minute until the sugar has
dissolved. Turn up the heat slightly, bring to the boil and beat the
mixture vigorously with a whisk for 10-15 minutes or until it has
thickened and is frothy (there should be no liquid left at the
bottom). Cool and chill for about 1 hour in the refrigerator. Serve
the macedonia with the zabaione poured over.  Converted by MC_Buster.
NOTES : This simple summer fruit salad is best made with very ripe
fruit as it contains no additional sugar. The combination of fruit  can
be varied according to the season, making use of strawberries and
cherries early in the summer, and grapes and plums later on. Serve it
in individual glasses topped with the zabaione for a special  occasion,
otherwise it makes a delicious light desert on its own.  Converted by
MM_Buster v2.0l.

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