Seafood Italian Italian, Main dish, Pasta, Seafood 4 Servings


1 1/2 lb Fusilli, cook al dente
5 oz Tuna, canned in olive oil
4 Tomatoes, freshripecubed
1/4 c Black olives, pitted/halved
Extra virgin olive oil
Fresh ground black pepper
2 Garlic, large fine chopped
Parsley, fresh chopped
6 Mint leaves, fresh
1/4 c Dry white wine


Drain the tuna. In a skillet, saute the garlic and parsley in a  little
oil over medium heat. As soon as the garlic starts to become
transparent, add the tune crumbled by hand and let cook for 2 minutes
longer. Then add the olives, wine and tomatoes, and simmer for 10 to
15 minutes longer. Add the mint leaves, salt and pepper. Toss in the
cooked pasta and mix gently. Serve immediately.

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