Meats, Eggs Chinese Dinner: sid, Foreign: ja 2 Servings


3 T Soy sauce
2 T Sugar
3 T White vinegar
5 T Chicken stock
1 t Sesame oil
1 T Chinese or Japanese hot
mustard optional
2 Eggs*
2 Ham, julienned up to 3
1/2 Cucumber, julienned
Lettuce, thinly sliced opt
1 Carrot**, julienned
2 Leaves cabbage**, thinly
8 oz Angel hair pasta


Fry crepe-style, like a thin omelette, then cut into thin strips  **
Boil and let cool before serving  Cook the spaghetti and keep it cool.
Prepare the tare soup and gu as  described above. Place cold spaghetti
on a plate and garnish with gu.  Pour the tare soup over the noodles
just before eating.  ~ - recipe courtesy of Hiroyuki Sato
(71461.2100@compuserve.com)  NOTES : This is an imitation of hiyashi
chuuka soba, a favorite  summertime dish. [despite its name, actually
made with ramen noodles,  not soba -- Ed.] The only difference from the
genuine hiyashi is the  use of spaghetti noodles instead of ramen
noodles. You will be  surprised that you won't taste that much of
difference at all if you  have tasted real hiyashi before. Recipe by:
Noriko's Kitchen  Posted to recipelu-digest by "Valerie Whittle"
<catspaw@inetnow.net>  on Feb 15, 1998

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