Meats, Eggs, Vegetables Asian Asian-mt, Beef-mt, Skillet-mt 4 Servings


1 T Cornstarch, plus 1 1/2
1 Egg, beaten
6 oz Flank Steak thinly sliced
1 c Vegetable oil
1/2 lb Broccoli
2 Green onions, chopped
2 T Sugar
2 T White wine
3 T Chicken stock
1/2 c Soy sauce
1 T Soy sauce
1 t Monosodium glutamate
1 t Ground black pepper


Dissolve 1 tablespoon cornstarch in 3 tablespoons cold water. Combine
with the egg in a medium bowl; add the sliced flank steak and  marinate
in the refrigerator several hours or overnight. Heat the oil  in a wok
or heavy-bottomed skillet over high heat. Remove the beef  from the egg
mixture with a slotted spoon; add to the wok and  stir-fry until light
brown. Add the broccoli and stir-fry until  bright green. Remove the
broccoli and beef; drain. Remove all but 2  tablespoons of the oil from
the wok. Add the green onions and  stir-fry 1 minute. Whisk together
the sugar, wine, remaining 1-1/2  teaspoon cornstarch, chicken stock,
soy sauce, sesame oil, MSG, and  pepper. Add the mixture to the green
onions and stir briskly. Return  the beef and broccoli to the wok. Toss
lightly to coat with the sauce  and turn out onto a heated platter or
bowl. Serve immediately.  Recipe by: BGMB90B@prodigy.com (Elaine Radis)
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #797 by 4paws@netrax.net
(Shermeyer-Gail) on Sep 22, 1997

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