Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemene, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. — St. Matt. xxvi. 36.


When heart is weary,
When eyes are teary,
Or life’s way dreary,
I seek the shades of
And thither straying,
Believing, praying,
I hear Christ saying,
“Oh! trust in me.”
Then with confession,
And intercession.
And new profession,
Hopeful I press on,
O Christ, to Thee!
And feel Thy love more
Sweetly than e’er before
Stealing my heart o’er,
In the lone shades of


Charmed, on this sacred ground,
As dies each worldly sound
In the deep peace around,
Sweeter than rest is
This spot to me.
At thy foot, Olivet,
Fondly I linger yet:
Think of His bloody sweat
And agony!
Whilst with confession,
And intercession,
And new profession.
Hopeful I press on,
Christ, to Thee!
Jesus! Thy love more
Sweetly than e’er before,
Steals all my heart o’er
In the sweet shades of