The holy child Jesus! What is this I
read of thee:

And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled
with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.
Luke ii. 40.

Of thine infancy, Lord Jesus, this is said!
From the time of Thy circumcision, when
Thou wast eight days old, from that time
Thou didst grow, and wax strong in spirit,
filled with wisdom; and the grace of God
was upon Thee. Why is this said? but
that Thine infancy may be a pattern to me,
and to all children.
In my Baptism I was dedicated to Thee,
Lord Jesus, that from that time forth I
might grow up in Thee. I was solemnly
consecrated to Thee, Holy Jesus, that I
might, by Thy grace, through every change
of growth, be moulded into Thine own image
from grace to grace. This my Baptism pro-
mised; for this my parents prayed; and
after this, Lord Jesus, my heart longs and

Little is said of Thine infancy. But how
blessed is that little! These few words hold
up before us. Thee, as the Holy Child!
Lovely infancy! Beautiful childhood! O
may the blessed picture of Thy holy child-
hood charm my heart, and the hearts of all
children. Yes, Lord Jesus, Thou didst be-
come a little child for little children, that
Thou mightest be to them an example
of piety and obedience. Thou didst pass
through this period of life a holy child, to
show forever that from Thee children may
obtain grace to grow up in piety from ear-
liest life.
I have not only the holy Scriptures to
assure me that it is possible for children to
be sanctified to God from birth, as were Jere-
miah and John the Baptist, but I have Thine
own blessed example, of pious childhood, O
Holy Child Jesus. As thou givest me the
example, so Thou wilt give me the needed
grace to be Thine in childhood.