O holy and most merciful Father, spare
me, Thy poor sinful but repenting creature.
Spare me, good Lord, spare me; and let me
not perish in my sins, but through Thine
infinite mercies find pardon. I am a sinful
being, O Lord; but Thou, O blessed Jesus,
art the Saviour of sinners; and Thou didst
come into the world to call sinners to repent-
ance. Lord, I come at Thy call; cast me
not away; disown not Thy penitent child.
I have gone astray, and am very defective
in my return to Thee. But Thou, gracious
Lord, knowest our frame, and considerest
whereof we are made. O, be not extreme to
mark mine offences; but for Christ’s sake
blot out mine iniquities.
And now that I have found the way to
Thy fear, let me find the comforts of Thy
mercy. My spirit is broken, and trembleth
at Thy words; O Lord, receive it. It is
heavy laden, and wearied with my sins;
my God, give it rest. Pity me, O Father, as
a father pitieth his own children. Receive
me as the offended father received the re-
turning prodigal. Though I was lost, yet
now, by the blessing of Thy grace, I am
found again. O, welcome Thy lost sheep
when it returns home; and let there be joy
in heaven on this repentance of me, a lost
O, let the blood of Jesus cleanse me from
all my sins. Let His intercession for me in
Thy presence make my peace, and appease
Thy wrath. Shut not Thine ears against the
voice of His blood, nor turn away from His
mediation; but hear Him, my Advocate for
my pardon. And let me find the forgiveness
of all my sins; that Thy troubled and trem-
bling servant may have peace; and that
Thou mayest be sought, and feared, and
served by sinners, who will return unto Thee
in hope of Thy grace and pardoning mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord and only
Saviour. Amen.
Almighty and most merciful Father, look
down upon me. Thine unworthy servant,
who here prostrate myself at the footstool
of Thy throne of grace; but look upon me,
O Father, through the mediation and in the
merits of Jesus Christ, in whom only Thou
art well pleased; for of myself I am not
worthy to stand before Thee, or to speak
with my unclean lips to Thee, O most holy
and eternal God. For as in sin I was con-
ceived and born, so likewise I have broken
all Thy commandments by my sinful mo-
tions, unclean thoughts, evil words, and
wicked works; omitting many duties I ought
to do, and committing many vices which
Thou hast forbidden under pain of Thy
heavy displeasure.
As for my sins, O Lord, they are innume-
rable; wherefore I stand here liable to all
the miseries of this life, and everlasting tor-
ments in that to come, if Thou shouldst deal
with me according to my deserts. I confess,
O Lord, that it is Thy mercy, which endureth
forever, and Thy compassion, which never
faileth, which are the causes that I have not
been long ago consumed. But with Thee
there is mercy, and plenteous redemption;
in the multitude, therefore, of Thy mercies,
and by the merits of Jesus Christ, I entreat
Thy divine Majesty, that Thou wouldst not
enter into judgment with Thy servant, nor
be extreme to mark what is done amiss; but
be Thou merciful unto me, and wash away
all my sins with that precious blood which
my Saviour shed for me.
And I beseech Thee, O Lord, not only to
wash away my sins, but also to purge my
heart by Thy Holy Spirit from the dross of
natural corruption; and as Thou dost add
days to my life, so, good Lord, I beseech
Thee to add repentance to my days, that,
when I have passed this mortal life, I may
be partaker of Thine everlasting kingdom;
through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord.