Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven
and earth is named; I give Thee most hum-
ble thanks, that Thou didst, of Thy divine
providence, vouchsafe to let me be born of
Christian parents, by whose care I was
brought to Thy holy Baptism, and after-
wards instructed in Thy holy religion. I
beseech Thee, O blessed God, who art the
rewarder of every good work, to bless them
for their faithfulness, even out of the riches
of Thy grace. Give them peace and plenty;
defend them from all dangers both of body
and soul; keep them in the steadfastness
and joys of Thy faith, and in the obedience
of Thy holy commandments: that so, having
Thee as their merciful and gentle Father,
they may at last, after many happy days
here in this life, be brought unto life ever-
lasting: through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Almighty God, who hast strictly com-
manded us to honor our father and our mo-
ther next to Thee; grant me, of Thy good-
ness and grace, so to love, and to honor my
parents, to fear and to obey them, to help,
and to pray for them, as Thou in Thy holy
Word hast directed and charged me to do;
that both in their life and at their death,
their souls may bless me; and that by Thy
fatherly mercy I may obtain that blessing
which Thou hast promised to those that
honor their father and their mother; and
that Thou, becoming my loving heavenly
Father, mayest number me among those
Thy children who are heirs of Thy glorious
kingdom: through Thy well beloved and
dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.