On the basis of Ancient Latin Litanies.

O God the Father in heaven: have mercy
upon us.
Have mercy upon us.

O God the Son, Redeemer of the world:
have mercy upon us.
Have mercy upon us.

O God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from
the Father and the Son: have mercy upon
Have mercy upon us.

O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity,
three persons and one God: have mercy
upon us.
Have mercy upon us.

Remember not. Lord, our offences, nor the
offences of our forefathers; neither take
Thou vengeance of our sins: spare us, good
Lord, spare Thy people, whom Thou hast
redeemed with Thy most precious blood, and
be not angry with us forever.
Spare us, good Lord.

From all evil and harm; from the power
of sin, and the snares of the devil; from
Thy wrath, and from everlasting damnation,
Good Lord, deliver us.

From all blindness of heart; from pride,
vain-glory, and hypocrisy; from envy, ha-
tred, and malice, and all uncharitableness,
Good Lord, deliver us.

From all impure lusts and desires; and
from all the deceits of the world, the flesh,
and the devil,
Good Lord, deliver us.

From lightning, tempest, and earthquake;
from plague, pestilence, and famine; from
all disasters by land and by water; from
battle and murder, and from sudden death,
Good Lord, deliver us.

From tumult and riot; from sedition and
rebellion; from heresy and schism; from
hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy
word and authority,
Good Lord, deliver us.

By the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation;
by Thy holy Nativity and Circumcision; by
Thy Baptism, Fasting, and Temptation,
Good Lord, deliver us.

By Thine Agony and bloody Sweat; by
Thy Cross and Passion; by Thy precious
Death and Burial; by Thy glorious Resur-
rection and Ascension; and by the Coming
of the Holy Ghost,
Good Lord, deliver us.

In all time of our tribulation; in all time
of our wealth; in the hour of death, and in
the day of judgment.
Good Lord, deliver us.

We sinners do beseech Thee to hear us,
O Lord;
Son of God, we beseech Thee to hear us.

That it may please Thee to keep us in all
time of temptation and heaviness; to com-
fort and help all the weak-hearted; to raise
up them that fall, and finally to beat down
Satan under our feet;
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord.

That it may please Thee to succor, help,
and comfort all that are in danger, neces-
sity, and tribulation;
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord.

That if may please Thee to preserve all
travellers and strangers, all women in the
perils of child-birth, all sick persons, and
young children, and to show Thy pity upon
all prisoners and captives;
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord.

That it may please Thee to defend and
provide for the fatherless children, and
widows, and all that are desolate and op-
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord.

That it may please Thee to have mercy
upon all men.
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord.

O Son of God, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy upon us.

O Lamb of God that takest away the sin
of the world.
Have mercy upon us.

O Lamb of God that takest away the sin
of the world.
Grant us Thy peace.

O God, merciful Father, who despisest not
the sighing of the contrite, nor rejectest the
desire of the sorrowful: be favorable to our
prayers which in our afflictions that continu-
ally oppress us, we pour out before Thee;
and graciously hear them, that those things
which the craft of the devil or man worketh
against us, may be brought to nought, and
by the counsel of Thy goodness be dispersed;
so that being hurt by no persecutions, we
may evermore give thanks unto Thee in Thy
holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God, from whom all holy desires, all
good counsels, and all just works do proceed:
give unto Thy servants that peace which the
world cannot give; that our hearts may be
set to obey Thy commandments, and also
that we, being defended from the fear of our
enemies, may by Thy protection pass our
time in peace and quietness, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.