As many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have
put on Christ. — Gal. iii. 27.
What saith the spirit here? What is it
to “put on Christ?” The holy Apostle
elsewhere says that in the resurrection the
corruptible body shall “put on” incorrup-
tion, and the mortal shall “put on” immor-
tality. This “putting on” of incorruption
and immortality must mean, that we shall
be put in possession of incorruption and im-
mortality, and live in it. So to “put on
Christ” must mean to possess Him, and live
in Him. When the prophet calls to the
church, “Awake, awake, put on thy strength,
Zion,” he must mean an inward strength
from the Lord. When Job says: “I put on
righteousness, and it clothed me,” he must
mean, not a mere outward form of righteous-
ness, but real inward union with God. St.
Paul also elsewhere says: “Put on the new
man, which after God is created in right-
eousness and true holiness” (Eph. iv. 24),
by which he means to say, that they should
seek to be inwardly “renewed in the spirit
of their mind.” So, to “put on Christ,”
must mean to have Him as our life, our
strength, and power of salvation. As many
as are baptized into Christ, are thus in Him,
and have put Him on. Glorious grace! to
have put off the old death of nature, and to
have put on the new life of Jesus Christ,
my Lord!