Blessed be Thy mercy, O my God, which
pitieth me in my misery. As a father
pitieth his children in the extremity of their
pain, so hast Thou pitied me. Lord, my
soul shall love Thee, and sing of Thy mercy.
In my distress I will always trust in Thee,
and not be afraid; for Thou art our Strength
while we suffer, and our merciful Deliverer
when we can endure no more. To Thee be
glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
It is God’s good plan that sex not be thought of, principally, as a legitimate way to get a rush, but rather as God’s way of bringing man and wife to the point of greatest unity and, through that unity, propagating (for Himself) “a godly seed” (Mal. 2:15 KJV) (Timothy Bayly).
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