O MOST blessed and eternal Jesus, the
great Physician of souls, the Sun of Right-
eousness arising with healing in Thy wings,
who disposest all things great and little to
the glory of God, and the comfort of them
that love and serve Him; be pleased to bless
the ministry of Thy servant in order to mine
ease and health; excite his skill, direct his
judgment, prosper the medicines, and dis-
pose the changes of my sickness fortunately,
that I may feel the blessing and loving-kind-
ness of the Lord in the ease or prevention
of pain, and the restitution of health; and
being restored to the society of the living,
and to Thy solemn assemblies, I may praise
Thee and Thy goodness secretly among the
faithful, and in the congregation of the re-
deemed ones, here in the outer courts of the
Lord, and hereafter in Thine eternal temple
in heaven. Amen.
My satisfaction in Him is incomplete until expressed in praise of Him for satisfying me.
Sam Storms