O RIGHTEOUS Lord, Thou holdest mine
eyes waking, and in the night season I take
no rest. I seek sleep, which Thou givest
Thy beloved, to ease my pains, and recruit
my spirit: but I find it not. But O merciful
God, let it not always fly away from me; let
my wearied eyes at length lay hold of it;
and make my sleep sweet to me. Consider
my weariness, O Lord, which calls aloud for
rest; and my weakness, which greatly needs
refreshment. While Thou keepest me awake,
let me commune with mine own heart, and
search out mine own spirit: let me remem-
ber Thee on my bed, and meditate on Thee
in the night watches: let the consideration
of Thy tender mercies be my comfort, till
Thy goodness sees fit to give sleep to my eyes,
and refreshment to my sorrows: through our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
The union of believers is grounded in the mystical union of Christ and His Church. The Bible speaks of a two-way transaction that occurs when a person is regenerated. Every converted person becomes “in Christ” at the same time Christ enters into the believer. If I am in Christ and you are in Christ, and if He is in us, then we experience a profound unity in Christ.
R.C. Sproul