Fruits, Eggs Italian Breads, Christmas, Fruits, Italian 3 Loaves


2 1/2 t Dry yeast
1/2 c Warm water, 105-115 F
1/2 c Unbleached all-purpose flour
3 T Warm water
Dough #1
2 Eggs, @ room temp.
1 1/4 c Unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Unsalted butter, softened
2 Eggs, @ room temp
3 Egg yolks, @ room temp
3/4 T Honey
1/2 t Vanilla extract
1 t Salt
Dough #2
1 c Unsalted butter, softened
3 c Unbleached all-purpose flour
3/4 c Flour for kneading dough
1/2 c Dark raisins
1/3 c Currants
1/3 c Dried cranberries
1 c Candied mixed peel
Grated zest of 2 lemons


Sponge/Dough #1: In a medium bowl, dissolve the yeast in the warm
water and let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. Add flour, and
stir with a wooden spoon until smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and  let
rise until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes.  Dough #2 (When dough
#1 has risen): In a large bowl, dissolve yeast  in warm water and let
stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. Add dough  #1 (it will have a
very loose consistency) to the yeast mix and stir  well. Add the eggs,
flour, sugar and stir until well mixed. Cover the  dough with plastic
wrap and let rise until doubled in vloume, about 1  hour.  Dough #3
(When dough #2 has finished rising): In a large bowl, combine  eggs,
yolks, sugar, honey, vanilla extract, and salt. Add dough #2,  it will
have a very loose consistency, and mix well. Add the softened  butter,
mix well.  Add the 3 cups flour (1 cup at a time) and coninue stirring
until the  dough has a soft texture, like soft cookie dough. Turn out
on a well  floured surface and knead gently, adding the last 3/4 cup
flour as  needed. Knead until the dough is soft and smooth and holds
it's  shape. Be careful not to create lumps.  Lightly butter a very
large bowl, enough to allow the dough to triple  in volume. Place the
dough in the bowl and turn to coat with the  butter, cover with plastic
wrap and let rise until tripled, about 3  hours.  Filling: (can be
mixed while waiting for dough to rise): Mix raisins,  currants and
dried cranberries in a small bowl. Cover with warm water  and allow to
soften for 10 minutes. Drain and pat dry. Mix in the  finely chopped
peel and lemon zest. Set aside.  When the dough has triple in volume,
turn out on a lightly floured  surface and pat down into an oval or
rectangle about 1/2" thick.  Sprinkle half the filling mix over the
dough, and roll up jellyroll  fashion along the long edge. Again pat
down into an oval shape about  1/2" thick and sprinkle the remaining
filing mix over the dough. Roll  up jellyrool fashion along the long
edge.  Divide the dough into 3 pieces; two pieces should be about 1/3
larger  than the third piece. Butter the bottoms and sides of two 300g
coffee  cans and one 398ml can. Line the bottoms and sides with waxed
paper.  Gently roll the dough into balls and place the two larger
pieces into  the two larger cans and the small piece into the small
can. Cover  with plastic wrap and allow to double in volume, about 2
hours. Once  the dough has risen, cut a small 'X' in the top of each
loaf and bake  in a preheated 400 F (200 C) oven for 10 minutes. Reduce
temp. to 375  F (190 C) for another 10 minutes. Again reduce the oven
to 350 F (180  C) and bake for 15 minutes loger for the small can and
30 minutes for  the large cans; or until a wooden skewer comes out
clean when  inserted into the bread.  Cool the breads in their cans on
a rack for 30 minutes. Carefully  unmold the breads and lay on their
sides, on a rack, until cooled.  Best eaten within 48 hours.  NOTES: I
baked this recipe in 5 1/2 " high clay flour pots lined with  foil. The
recipe filled two pots. I baked at 400 F for 15 mins. then  turned the
oven down to 325 F for about 50 mins. The bread was done  when a skewer
came out clean. Make sure the butter is well softened  or it will be
almost impossible to mix in well.  From: Western Living magazine,
December 1995.  From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at

A Message from our Provider:

“You don’t have to be brain-dead to live for Jesus, but when you are, you’ll be glad you did”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 2038
Calories From Fat: 705
Total Fat: 80.3g
Cholesterol: 203.4mg
Sodium: 799mg
Potassium: 653.2mg
Carbohydrates: 310.9g
Fiber: 12.9g
Sugar: 48.7g
Protein: 24.3g

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