O Lord Jesus, who didst grant pardon and
promise of Paradise to the thief upon the
cross in his dying agonies, who canst be ap-
proached by poor penitent sinners even at
the eleventh hour, and who hast assured us
in Thy holy Word that the prayer of faith
shall save the sick, and if he have committed
sins they shall be forgiven him; we humbly
beseech Thee to have mercy upon him whom
Thou hast here brought nigh unto the gates
of death. Thou didst weep over sinners on
Mount Olivet, and hast still the same tender
and merciful heart; O bathe his soul in
Thine own sacred tears.

Thou didst sweat, as it were, great drops
of blood in Gethsemane for us, for all sin-
ners; O let those agonies of Thine own soul
avail for him; let those Thine exceeding
sorrows be a fountain of comfort to him.

Thou didst taste the gall upon the cross,
that poor sinners might drink the cup of
salvation, O let that water of life now satisfy
his thirsty, fainting soul.

Thou didst pray for Thine enemies even
while they crucified Thee; O let Thy power-
ful intercessions also prevail for this longing
soul, now that Thou hast entered into Thy

Yea, Lord Jesus, Thou didst receive the
penitent thief in his last moments; O cast
not him away whom we now lay upon Thy
all-merciful heart; let him not be reprobate;
take not Thy Holy Spirit from him.

Let those arms which on the cross were
extended towards the whole world, be now
extended to him; let that sacred head, which
bowed in death for all men, now bend in
pardoning love toward him; let the words,
It is finished, be spoken of his salvation; let
the words, Into Thy hands I commend my
spirit, be fulfilled for him. Lord Jesus, re-
ceive his spirit, and grant him a place among
those who were once Thy murderers, but are
now the redeemed trophies of Thy bitter
death and precious blood.

Thou didst not hide Thy face from the
spit, and the stroke, and the scourge, and
derision of Thine enemies; O hide it not
from his earnest prayers, and imploring look
of penitential anguish.

Thy blood can save to the uttermost all
who come unto God by Thee; and him that
cometh to Thee, Thou wilt in no wise cast
out. Yet once more we lay him upon the
bosom of that love which embraced a world
of sinners; and commend him to the Father
who created him, to the Son who redeemed
him, and to the Holy Ghost who sanctifies,
the adorable and glorious Trinity, ever one
God, world without end. Amen.

Our Father, etc.