O Lord Jesus, who alone art the Way, the
Truth, and the Life; we heartily beseech
Thee to open wide the door of salvation, and
show the path of life to Thy dying servant,
and speedily redeem him from the tempta-
tions of sin, and from the craft and power
of Satan. Help and guide him, O Lord,
that he may neither err nor be lost in the
dark valley and shadow of death. As the
true Shepherd, take charge of Thy lost
sheep. Let Thy word shine in his heart;
stand by him in the time of his need; show
him Thy salvation, and suffer him not to fall
from the comfort of the true faith; receive
his spirit, and quicken it by Thy grace; let
no doubt nor sorrow come nigh to distress
him; let a living faith strengthen him, let a
joyful hope cheer him, and let a holy love,
even Thy love, Lord Jesus, bear him into
the peace, and rest, and joy of Thine eternal

Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart
in peace, according to Thy word; for his
eyes have seen Thy salvation. Amen.