Hail, happy morning! In great mercy,
Lord Jesus, thou hast permitted me to see
the day on which I am to renew my Bap-
tismal vows, and receive my solemn conse-
cration to thy blessed service. Hail, holy
day of my soul, day of my Lord, day of grace
and salvation such as has never yet dawned
on my life, and which I shall never again
behold; day of solemn decision for life! As
it is a day of hope and joy to my soul, so may it
be a day of blessing, and of pleasant remem-
brances to my life’s end!

Before the solemn transaction, I once more
call in my thoughts, and pray:

Lord, my God, I am consecrated to Thee
in Thy holy covenant, I will now also devote
myself to Thee by a solemn vow. At the
thought of this a new holy feeling streams
through my soul! May these hopeful emo-
tions be first-fruits of the blessedness which
awaits me at Thine altar, when Thou, by the
hands of Thy servant, wilt fully and finally
claim me as Thine, and seal me for Thy-

Lord, add grace to grace, mercifully
granting me in this hour of preparation what
may still be wanting to me. Bestow on me
a deep sense of my weakness and sinfulness,
repentance for the follies of my youth, grati-
tude for Thy manifold mercy, true faith in
Jesus Christ my Saviour, and love for His
love. O be strength in my weakness!

Lord Jesus, instruct and direct me by Thy
Spirit in this solemn hour. Holy Spirit,
fill me with Thy light and comfort. O eter-
nal Father, receive me as Thy child, and
make me Thy heir of the life eternal.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, deliver me
from darkness, sin, and everlasting death.

Lord Jesus, I desire to be Thine in soul
and body, in life and in death. Be Thou
henceforth my Prophet, to teach me; my
Priest, to atone and intercede for me; my
King, to direct and defend me. Be Thou my
way, my truth, and my life. Whom have I
in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon
earth that I desire besides Thee. Thou shalt
guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward
receive me to glory!

O blessed Advocate, who art able to save
them for ever who come unto God by Thee,
seeing thou livest to make intercession for
us, I put my cause into Thy hands. Let Thy
power defend me; Thy Blood and Merits
plead for me. Supply all the defects of my
repentance and faith, and procure a full dis-
charge of all my sins.

By Thy mighty grace, confirm and
strengthen me in all goodness during the
remainder of my life, so that I may not live
unto myself, but for Him who died for me
and rose again, and so come at last to Thine
everlasting kingdom.

Keep me, Lord, in union and fellowship
with Thy Church, of which I am now to be
made a complete member, that I may im-
prove all the means of grace vouchsafed in
it, and be gathered at last, with all the
ransomed, into the Church triumphant in

Possess my mind, O heavenly Father, with
a constant sense of that vow, which I am
this day going to renew, before Thee and
Thy Church; that, knowing I am the servant
of the living God, I may walk in His sight,
avoid all such things as are contrary to my
profession, and follow all such things as are
agreeable to the same: through Jesus Christ
our Lord.

O Father Almighty, who hast made me
Thy child by adoption and grace, fill me with
such a measure of Thy Spirit, that in Thy
good time I may come to Thine everlasting
kingdom and glory: through Jesus Christ
our Lord.

O my Father, for Jesus’ sake, impart to
me this day, through the laying on of hands,
in larger measure, the Holy Ghost, by whose
help alone I shall be able to put off more and
more the old man, which is corrupt accord-
ing to the deceitful lusts, and to be renewed
in the spirit of my mind, that I may put on
the new man, which after God is created in
righteousness and true holiness.

This, O God, is what I desire and purpose
by Thy grace to do.

I do most solemnly renew those vows
which were made in my behalf in my bap-
tism, and which I have since often renewed,
but too often broken.

I renounce the devil with all his ways and

I renounce the world with its vain pomp
and glory.

I renounce the flesh with all its sinful de-

I resolve, by Thy grace, neither to follow,
or be led by them.

I steadfastly believe all the Articles of the
Christian Faith: In God, the Father, who
created me; in God, the Son, who has re-
deemed me; in God, the Holy Ghost, who
sanctifies me. This Holy, Blessed, and Ado-
rable Trinity, Three in One and One in Three,
is my only True and Eternal God, in whom
is all my trust and hope of salvation.

Protected by the Love of the Father, sus-
tained and furthered by the Grace of the
Son, quickened and comforted by the Com-
munion of the Holy Ghost, grant, my God,
that I may live in Thy fear, die in Thy favor
and peace, rest in hope, and attain to the
resurrection of the just.

Our Father, etc.