Our Father which art in heaven, in Thy
great mercy Thou hast brought me to the
close of another day. With unfeigned gra-
titude, I bring unto Thee my evening sacri-
fice of praise.

Most gracious and merciful God, who art
of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, and
hast promised mercy and forgiveness to all
them who confess and forsake their sins, I
acknowledge my manifold transgressions of
Thy righteous law, in thought, in word, and
in deed. I have done those things which
Thou hast forbidden, and left undone those
things which Thou hast commanded; and,
when I look upon my past life, and remem-
ber that Thou knowest my most secret sins,
I am afraid of Thy judgments, and ashamed
to lift up my eyes unto Thee. But, O gra-
cious Father, who desirest not the death of
a sinner, look upon me in Thy Son Jesus
Christ, and, for the merits of His sufferings,
be Thou merciful unto me, and grant me full
and free forgiveness.

Help me, O Lord, to possess my soul in
patience amidst all the changes of this mor-
tal life. Give me a cheerful faith, a joyful
hope, and a peaceful love. From gloominess
of mind, from repinings, from dejection of
spirit, from distrust of Thy mercies, and
from fear of death, good Lord, deliver me.

I humbly pray for all my fellow-beings,
especially for my relations and friends, that
they may receive mercies suitable to their
various wants, and have hearts wisely to
improve them.

Bless, O Lord, the poor and needy, the
sick and afflicted, the wretched and dis-
tressed; and have compassion upon all ranks
and conditions of men.

O Lord, continue Thy gracious protection
to me this night. Into Thy hands I com-
mend myself, and all things that belong to
me. Defend me from all dangers and mis-
chiefs, and from the dread and fear of evil:
to the end that I may enjoy such quiet and
refreshing sleep as may fit me for the duties
of the coming day.

O Lord, make me ever mindful of that
time when I shall lie down in the dust; and
grant me grace always to live in such a
state, that I may never be afraid to die; but
that, whether I live I may live unto Thee,
and whether I die I may die unto Thee;
that, so living and dying, I may be Thine,
through the merits and mediation of Thy
Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.