Day of anger, day of wonder,
When the world shall roll asunder.
Quenched in fire and smoke and thunder!

O, vast terror, wild, heart-rending,
Of that hour when earth is ending,
And her jealous Judge descending:

When the trumpet’s voice astoundeth.
Through earth’s sepulchres reboundeth,
Summons universal soundeth!

Death astonished, nature shaken.
Sees all creatures as they waken,
To that dire tribunal taken.

Lo! the book where all is hoarded,
Not a secret unrecorded:
Every doom is thence awarded.

Lo! the Judge when He arraigneth,
Every hidden thing explaineth:
Nothing unavenged remaineth.

In that fiery revelation
Where shall I make supplication,
When the just hath scarce salvation?

Fount of love, dread King supernal,
Freely giving life eternal,
Save me from the pains infernal!

This forget not, sweet Life-giver,
Me Thou camest to deliver:
Cast me not away forever!

Seeking me Thy sad life lasted,
On the cross death’s pains were tasted;
Let not toil like this be wasted!

God of righteous retribution,
Grant my sins full absolution,
Ere Thy wrath’s last execution!

Lo! I stand with face suffused,
Groaning, in my guilt accused;
Spare my soul, with sorrow bruised!

By the Magdalene forgiven.
By the dying robber shriven,
I, too, cherish hope of heaven.

Though my prayers are full of failing,
Save me, by Thy grace availing,
From the pit of endless wailing!

On Thy right a place provide me,
With Thy chosen sheep beside me:
From the goats, good Lord, divide me!

When to penal fire are driven
Those who would not be forgiven,
Call me with Thy saints to heaven

Kneeling, crushed in heart before Thee,
Sad and suppliant I adore Thee:
Hear me, save me, I implore Thee!