Chapter 23 covers the false witness and the
Sabbath in Israel. Moses also names the three important
feast days: (1) The Passover, which is the remembrance
of the death of Christ; (2) Pentecost, the coming of the
Spirit; and (3) The Tabernacle, the joy of the Kingdom.

We see the ratification of the covenant in
chapter 24. The people agreed to obey the Law, not
realizing it was impossible for them to do so in their
own strength. Notice in verses 3 and 7 that the people
are saying, “We will do,” but they later discovered it
was hard to perform that which they had promised.

It is impossible for man to serve God
successfully in the flesh. He must be led by the Spirit
and must have the power of the Holy Spirit upon him in
order to do the things that are pleasing to God.

Chapter 25 begins the description of the
Tabernacle. In verses 1-9 God gives instructions
concerning the offerings from the people for the
materials to construct the Tabernacle. In verses 10-22
Moses is given the dimensions of the Ark. The Ark is a
picture of Christ, the wood speaking of His humanity and
the gold of His deity. A full description of the Ark can
be found in these verses.

Verses 23-30 speak of the Table of Shewbread.
This table held the special bread, which pictures
Christ, the Bread of Life. The remainder of the chapter
covers the golden candlestick, which again emphasizes
the deity of Christ, the Light of the world. The oil
speaks of the Holy Spirit and the seven branches typify
the perfections of Christ.