In today’s reading we continue with the prophetic picture of
Israel in relationship to the land. Keep in mind that Israel owned
the land because of God’s covenant with Abraham; but she possessed
and enjoyed it only if she obeyed God’s covenant as a holy nation.
Christians today have all the blessings in Christ they need because
of His grace; but they enjoy those blessings only as they trust and
obey Him. Of course, this principle of obedience is found in every
dispensation, for God cannot bless those who rebel against Him.
The curses in chapter 28:13-19 parallel the blessings in
verses 3-6. God warns the people that the same disease and
pestilence they have seen among their enemies would visit them,
including the plagues He sent to Egypt (verse 27). Their enemies
would defeat them; they would be scattered like blind slaves across
the face of the earth. Their rich land, flowing with milk and honey,
would turn into a wilderness, and instead of Israel being the
“first” nation of the earth, she would be “the tail” (verse 44).
The word “destroyed” in verse 45 does not mean completely
wiped out, for God could not violate His covenant and destroy the
nation of Israel. Rather, it means to be crushed, referring to the
terrible trials and disciplines that would fall on Israel because of
her disobedience. Verse 63 indicates that continued disobedience
would result in Israel being plucked off the land and scattered
among the nations–a perfect picture of the Jews today. What nation
has suffered more than Israel?