Chapter 31 records the death of Saul. While David is sending
gifts to his friends, Saul and his family are being stripped on the
battlefield. Saul had been carnally minded, which is death (see
Romans 8:6). He had previously enjoyed great victories in battle,
but God had now abandoned him. The only thing left for the
rebellious king was death. It is sad that his innocent son,
Jonathan, had to suffer because of the sins of his father.

There are several practical lessons we can learn from the
tragic life and death of King Saul. Great sins often begin as little
matters, such as impatience, disobedience and excuse making. A man
goes from bad to worse when sin gets hold of him. Also, when a
person is not right with God, he will not be able to get along with
God’s people. Excuses are no substitute for confession, and there is
no substitute for obedience. And finally, natural gifts and
abilities mean nothing if you do not have the power of God in your

In chapter 1 of II Samuel David sorrows over the death of
Saul and Jonathan (see Proverbs 24:17). There are no unkind words
about Saul in these verses. David’s main concern is that the Lord’s
anointed is dead and the Lord’s glory is dimmed. He is anxious that
the unsaved enemy will not rejoice over this victory. In verses 19,
25, and 27 David’s theme is, “How are the mighty fallen!” I Samuel
10:23 records that Saul “was higher than any of the people from his
shoulders and upward.” Now we see him fallen lower than even the
enemy. I Corinthians 10:12 tells us, “Wherefore let him that
thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”