In today’s reading David succeeds Saul to the throne. He
would reign a total of forty years, 33 years as king over the entire
nation of Israel. David chooses and captures Jerusalem for the
capital city.

Chapter 6 records the returning of the Ark of the Covenant
to Jerusalem.
Psalm 132:1-6 tells of David’s intense desire to honor the Lord by
returning the Ark to its proper place. For nearly 20 years it had
been in Kirjath-Jearim, and it took David about three months to
finish the task of bringing it back to the special tent he had
prepared for it in Jerusalem.

Chapter 7 records the Davidic covenant. The phrases, “thy
seed” (verse 12) and “thy throne” (verse 16) summarize the main
lesson of the chapter. The Davidic covenant is important to God’s
program, because in it God promises certain eternal blessings to the
Jewish nation. In His covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15) God had
promised a seed, a land and a blessing to all nations. In the
Davidic covenant God reveals that the promised Messiah would come
through David’s line (Romans 1:3,4) and would rule over the kingdom
of Israel from David’s throne. That promised Messiah is Jesus Christ
and He is coming soon. He will sit down upon the throne of David in
Jerusalem and rule over His people for 1,000 years. As Christians,
we have a glorious future ahead. Are you prepared for His return?