Chapter 24 is a continuation of Job’s reply to Eliphaz. Then
in chapter 25 Bildad gives his third discourse, and in chapter 26
Job sarcastically dismisses Bildad’s arguments and describes God’s

In chapter 27 Job tries to vindicate himself by contrasting
himself with wicked people. In this last speech he grows more
confident in protesting his innocence, for he says, “…till I die I
will not remove mine integrity from me.”

Each time Job speaks he denies the accusations that he is
secretly a sinner. He knows his own heart and tells his accusers
that they have cruelly misjudged him.

Job trusted God but he felt that God had abandoned him. Not
once did Job deny God or curse God. If he had done so, then his
friends would have known Job was being punished for unbelief. But
Job had faith. So great was his faith that he knew God would
vindicate him in the resurrection in the next life, if not in this
life. However, Job did feel that God should tell him what He was
doing and His purpose in it.

There is a lesson here for all Christians. The ways of God
are above and beyond the mind of mortal man. And even when we do not
understand, we can still worship and trust Him.

Are you in circumstances that seem bewildering to you? Then
do as Job did and trust God. Has He failed you even once in the
past? Of course not! Nor will He fail you now. You might not
understand the reason for your trial, but remember that it is
perfectly understandable to the Lord, for He sees all things. “He
looketh to the ends of the earth,” Job says. The eyes of the Lord
are in every place. He has never removed His gaze from you. II
Chronicles 16:9 tells us, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro
throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of
them whose heart is perfect toward him.” The most wonderful
realization of it all is that, not only does God see us and
understand fully why we are in certain circumstances, but He can
help us in those circumstances! Job says that God is able “To make
the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.”