Psalm 18 is David’s hymn of thanksgiving, on his accession
to the throne. After years of flight from Saul the kingdom was now
firmly established. David attributed it all to God, his Strength,
Rock Fortress, Deliverer, Stay, Refuge, Shield, Horn, and High
Tower. This is one of the best Psalms.
God’s revelation to man is the theme of Psalm 19. It is
amazing that God speaks to us at all! Men are sinners and have no
desire to listen to God, yet He graciously continues to speak. The
closing prayer of this Psalm is one of the best prayers in the
entire Bible. “Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I
shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my
mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O
Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” God’s Word is perfect, sure,
true, gives joy, and is sweeter than honey!
This prayer should be on our lips and in our hearts
throughout each day. The meditation of our heart controls the words
of our mouth. The word “meditation” used here has the image of a
musician plucking the strings of a harp. Who controls the music of
your heart? Is it God or Satan? Meditation is to the heart what
digestion is to the body. It is the taking of the Word of God and
making it a part of the inner man. As the heart and mind think on
the Word of God, the Spirit guides the life. Is your Bible all to
you that God wants it to be? Read this Psalm again and ask God to
enable you to love the Word, to live in the Word, and to obey the
Psalm 20 is a song of trust. It seems to be a battle hymn,
with prayer for victory as David entered battle. His trust was not
in chariots and horses, but in the Lord.