A year and two months after his call, Ezekiel was
transported, in rapture, to Jerusalem, where God showed him the
abhorrent idolatries being practiced in the Temple. Thus, in spite
of warning after warning, and punishment after punishment, the once
powerful kingdom of Judah, reduced now almost to the point of
extinction, was still sinking lower and lower in the depths of
idolatrous infamy. After Ezekiel’s mission to Jerusalem was ended,
he was borne, on the cherub chariot, back to his exile home, where
he reported to the elders.

In chapter 9 we see that the glory had moved from the throne
above the threshold of the Temple. The throne would now become a
throne of judgment. We also see God’s servant putting a mark of
protection on the faithful remnant of believers, lest they be slain
in the judgment to come.

In chapter 10:18 the glory moved from the hovering over the
threshold with the cherubim, to the eastern gate of the Temple and,
in chapter 11:22,23 the glory moved out of the Temple to the top of
the Mount of Olives. The glory of the Temple was removed because God
could not share His glory with another. The idols and sins of the
people had driven Him away. Their sins had not been hidden from God.
He had seen them and judged them.

So it is today! God will remove His blessings and glory from
our lives, unless we faithfully serve Him, with a pure and honest
heart. It is impossible for Christians to be used of God when they
have sin in their lives. God will not place His hand of approval
upon those who have unconfessed sin in their lives. Do you want to
be used of God? Then you must turn away from sin, repent, and allow
God to cleanse you anew. God will only use you when you are a
vessel, clean and meet for the Master’s use.