Possibly with the exception of chapter 13, no part
of this great book has been more misunderstood than
chapters 24 and 25. Many major cults have used chapter
24:1-41, with Daniel 9:23-27, to try to prove that Christ
has already returned. Even some well-meaning evangelicals
confuse the issue by applying this section to the Church
Age. It is important that we get the overall view of the
Olivet Discourse in order to correctly understand these
chapters. In this Discourse, Jesus predicted the events of
that still future time when He will resume dealing with
Israel, just before His return to earth in glory.
Chapter 24:1,2 predicts the destruction of the
Temple; verses 4-26 are prophecies dealing with Israel in
the period of the Tribulation, just prior to the return of
Messiah-King to establish His earthly Kingdom; and, in
verses 27-30, the prophecy is recorded of the second coming
of the Messiah. This event will take place immediately
after the Tribulation Period, preceded by a particular sign
(verse 30). The coming will be sudden (verse 27) and
evident to all (verse 30). Verse 31 deals with the
regathering of Israel through special angelic ministries,
and verses 31-51 illustrate the certainty of His second
coming, exhorting everyone to be watchful. All three
illustrations in verses 37-51 emphasize the unexpectedness
of the Lord’s coming, by showing that the individuals
concerned were occupied with the usual cares of life,
without giving thought to the Messiah’s return. Israel is
thereby exhorted to be prepared for that great day.
As we read this chapter we must remember that no
signs in the Scriptures point to the Rapture of the Church
but, rather, to the second coming of Christ in power and
glory. This second coming takes place immediately after the
Tribulation Period. We can already see the regathering of
the Jewish people in their homeland, and we know that the
world today is as much in sin as it was in the days of
Noah. Since these are signs of the second coming of Christ,
and the Rapture will take place seven years prior to His
second coming; then we must realize that His return for the
Church could be very near. It could be today! Are you ready
to meet Him?
Man now can be:
Colossians 1:20
And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by
him to reconcile all things unto himself, by him, I say,
whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.