In chapter 6:1-11 Jesus answers the question
concerning the Sabbath; in verses 12-19 the twelve are
chosen; and verses 20-49 record the Beatitudes. Many of the
teachings recorded here are in the Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5–7), and are commonly taken to be an abbreviated
form of the Sermon on the Mount. However, since the records
are somewhat different, we cannot be sure whether they are
different reports of the same sermon or substantially the
same sermon delivered on different occasions. Jesus was
teaching continually, and it is likely that He uttered some
of these words, in varying forms, hundreds of times. This
may be a collection of His representative sayings, or a
sort of summary of His main teachings. In any event, the
literary beauty, as well as the matchless teaching, is
unexcelled in literature.

In today’s reading the love, compassion, and power
of Jesus are demonstrated. Jesus not only ministered to the
crowds; He also ministered to the individual. He died for
the world; yet He also specifically died for you and me,
individually. There is no color, creed, or nationality in
God’s love and grace. He is not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance. True, He is
the God of the universe, but He is also the God of every
person who will come to Him through faith. God’s love for
us is wrapped up in one person. That person is His Son,
Jesus Christ.

We need to reach this world for Christ. We need to
know how to win souls to Christ. Will you be one who will
say, “Lord, I want to be a soul-winner. Please help me to
do so.” Proverbs 11:30 tells us, “…and he that winneth
souls is wise.” Do you want to be a wise Christian? Do you
want to have the blessing of God upon your life? Then
invest your life in the lives of others, and through
compassionate understanding and love for your fellow man
share Christ, who is the only lasting hope.

Man now can be:
Acts 13:38
Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is
preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.